As Aelia’s design partner, we needed to create a compelling design vision and concept that would make AELIA successful in bidding for this tender opportunity. This tender was part of the airport’s £100 mn investment in its terminal development programme. As well as creating the retail concepts and brand communications Portland also designed the duty-free tender submission document and packaging.
A key focus of the duty-free tender was to deliver a vision and retail concept that would raise the customer experience to a new level, allowing passengers to enjoy a world-class retail environment. As the majority of passengers are leisure travellers, it was important for the design to reflect and convey a ‘leisure mood’, giving passengers a fun, uplifting and happy experience and to deliver a shopping experience that ‘thinks big, thinks new and thinks digital’. It was also critical to design an authentically London shopping experience that captured the diversity and creativity of London life.
Aelia was awarded the contract to operate this 1,700 sqm duty free flagship store.